
Hardset Head

event width two path given pure force downs

turns the screw crawl in backin term space a time to intrude

in term peace assuring a futuresilence noise forming sound like silent noise

silent voice screaming hints retaliationheinous plans in sides remain taking downs taking aim

filling curses two conditions back upon itselfpass it off as good intentions leaving marks hard to heal

reassisted retrogression leaving tracks path reveals

sample act reflected clears noticed thought while leaving hears

nuisance labels paranoia so stupid how perceived that waysilent claws shredding flaws hungers knawing

silent flaws forever laughter silence knowsshaman stands retreating all is over evermore smoke the

curse your creation back upon yourselfpushes distress closer to the edge one time cracks lights

the walls worry wasted hearing clouds up above the

chatter digging deep insider storms to find the inner

patience erasing shadowed gifted ruin haste retracing

promised news leaving statement meant as nothing

starving your words no excusessilent truth asserts its proof like you abhor

Enjoy the lyrics !!!