

Hurry Weave Me An Old Crystal Web

Spheres Of Glass Fight With Axes Of Lead

Orbs Of Eyes Hands Of Fathers Of Eggs

Hearts Of Shitwire Hangers Of Heads

Chase Of Fortune Chafing Red Thighs

Caustic Scales Female Justiced AverredHum Together O LIttle Angels

Little Bees Crying In Mirrors Of Wax

Hum Together Sections Of Agriculture

Hum Together Battlers Of ValorTwang Together Frothing With Reveined Eyes

Glossolaliac Little Jews Harps

Wagging Tongues Dance With Throats Of Raw Ululation

Drip From Jowls ye Hot Drops Of PreyHarmonia

Hum O Bothered WebPull The Hinges Out From Your Door Frames

Puff An Honest Cough From Your Chest

Bend Gymnastic O Supple Children

Shear The Wool From Your Innocent FleshHarmonia

Throb With Sex O Heartless WebHurry Weave Me An Old Crystal Web

Spheres Of Glass Fight With Axes Of Lead

Orbs Of Eyes Hands Of Fathers Of Eggs

Hearts Of Shitwire Hangers Of Heads

Chase Of Fortune Chafing Red Thighs

Mounted Hips Wrinkled Old Drippy Eyes

Enjoy the lyrics !!!