
History Sticks To Your Feet

At the movies eyes iced over

Walking sideways through them gutters

And you realize that the floor sticks to your feet like history

Well, don't you look at me like life don't hold you anymore mystery

Bag of splinters boiling over on your back expose your belly

Optimism doesn't change the facts just what you're gonna to see

Like it was stated that we're walking salt and coal

Plants solidify sunshine, how this start I don't know

Causing feet and entire chain shoe stores

The sun's diary pulled up from deep canary holes

And when we read it our skin it becomes warm

At the movies eyes iced over

Walking sideways through the gutter

And you realize life sticks to your feet, you're history

I'm gonna slap that look off your face

Like life don't hold no mystery

All those red marks on our shoulders

Self back patting, homemade trophies

Well, the path only exists as tiny bricks

We burn to release all, it's memory

I've had enough with rolling boulders, I want more moss on me

Clocks to splinters but time goes forward

And when them tree drop leaves your feet collect their memories

I guess all us snakes find our tails pretty damn tasty

I heard you mention that we're walking salt and coal

Plants solidify sunshine, how this start I don't know

Causing feet and entire chain shoe stores

The sun's diary pulled up from deep canary holes

And when we read it our skin it becomes warm

At the movies eyes iced over

Walking sideways through the gutters

And you realize that the floor sticks to your feet, you're history

I'm gonna knock that look off your face

Like life don't hold you no more mystery

Enjoy the lyrics !!!