
Horseshoe Crabs

Hey did you hear me Mom?

Baby's headed home.

Against your wishes I went

into the woods alone.

Just look at my face, a vegetable

beet red

I know you

gave me money fro the motel, but

I came here instead

I came here instead

What I wanted when I left you

brushed by, so close

With the money I got pretty gone

and bloodied some poor actor's nose

One night in the park, the pellet gun

took out an eye

I came undone

One college kid came to see me

He passed me that nylon string

asked me to play him something

So I tried my hand at "Blues Run the Game"

I barely made it through it

then he had to go back to his

parents' house upstate

Woke up from the dream and I was old

Staring at the asscrack of dawn

walked these streets up and down

looking for Paul Simon.

All I found was myself

lost in time I tried

singing some songs but I

lost my mind

What have they done

With my jealous one?

Who is gonna talk trash

long after I'm gone?

When I was young they used to

find me pitching horseshoe crabs

back into the sun.

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!