
How I Roll

It's hard times living in this city

You wake up every morning in the unforgiving

Out there somewhere in the city

There's people living lives without mercy or pity

It's how they rollI feel good, yeah I'm feeling fine

I feel better then I have for the longest time

I think these pills have been good for me

I think they banished all my blues into infinity

That's how I roll

Sometimes I wake up at night, I don't know what it is

But I must have got a fright

I thought I heard a scratching underneath the floor

Does the devil come to get you at a quarter to four

It's how he rolls"Too late," she cried out loud

Her voice emerging from her inner shroud

Too much, I heard her choke

It's all she says after last years stroke

She has a hard time living in this city

She wakes up every morning in the unforgiving

And out there somewhere in the city

There's people living lives without mercy or pity

It's how it rollsDear god, it's how they roll

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!