
I'm Guilty

All rise, case number seven-seven-seven-five-two

Defendant KJ-52 versus the Son of God in murder one

How do you plead? Guilty as charged

Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth

And nothing but the truth? I do, then go aheadI solemnly swear to tell the truth, whole truth

Nothing but the truth now, now so help me God

What I testify and what I'm speaking of is an eye witness account

Of an experience of a kind of love, I confess now to what I was

I was guilty of making the very Son of God now shed His blood

I was guilty of the reason now why He was hung and

I'm guilty for every evil thing that I have doneI'm guilty for it all, I can't blame no one

I'm filthy with what caused the death of the Son

It kills me to think that I was the one who shed His blood

I still think of the way He died now and how it was

It feels me with pain inside, I feel like throwing up

I can't escape, I can't lie, I didn't make it up

I was the only one who took the life of the Holy One

This is the first time I've confessed now to what I've doneI'm guilty, guilty

That's right, I'm guilty

God forgive me, I'm guilty

You know what? I'm guiltyYeah, that's right, I did it, right out in the open for all to see

And I never hid it, I got to admit it

They took the whip, ripped His back wide open and split it

I heard Him cry every time they pulled it back and hit it

I wondered why was He silent now, I didn't get it

I watched Him die while He cried out, "It is finished"

I thought nobody would find out about the the crime I've committed

I tried to hide out, it's too late, that's right I did thisIt's my time now, my own eyes have been a witness to my crime

Now I'm speechless and I'm defenseless

Can anybody find out it's obvious that this is my final time

Now I've finally come to my senses

I'm a climb down and take whatever I'm sentenced

I know why now there's no way that I could miss this

I opened my eyes, now I see Him just for who He is

This guilt is mine now, it's so obvious thatI'm guilty

God forgive me, I'm guilty

So I'm guilty

That's right, I'm guilty

So guiltyI'm just another person, just another man

I was the one that hurt Him, I finally understand

Now I know for certain, I caused the nails to land

That left Him dead and murdered, pierced in feet and hands

So now you've heard it, I testified and I took the stand

No other way I could word it, this is my confession and

I never lied or purgured, I told just the best I can but

I was the one that cursed Him, I was the trigger manThe page is turning and I've now just confessed to this

I didn't kill Christ, but it was just my sin that did

Now I've confessed to the crime, I don't deserve to live

I'm ready to do my time, all that I can say isI'm guilty

God forgive me, I'm guilty

I don't deserve to live, I'm guilty

Take me away, I'm guilty

I'm guiltyCase number seven-seven-seven-five-two

KJ-52 versus the Son of God on murder one

The court has found you guilty as charged

However after further review of the case

The prosecution has dropped the charges

You're free to go

Enjoy the lyrics !!!