The parade of the quaternary symbiosis
Token of a divided existence
Univocal sense of the hallow consistenceA silver stream of cryonics starsThe corrosion of the reality narcosis
Negligence makes the future tense
Axis bent into never ending continuance
Exploring new ground, inverse and farCoequal nexus of neural perception
Pre-eminant sample of hastins ionsInherit the Earth
By the instinct of the fallen creation
The bow of the axis, inversely
Inherit the EarthConqual nexus of neural perception
Circular reminisce of history lairInherit the Earth
By the instinct of the rising creation
To bend the axis, eternally
Inherit the EarthPast, present and future
Angels of thrice, fusion twice
Past, present and futureInherit the Earth
By the instinct of the fallen creation
The bow of the axis, inversely
Inherit the EarthBy the instinct of the rising creation
To bend the axis, eternally
Inherit the Earth
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.