
Inka Dinka Doo

Ink -A Dink -Doo, A dink -a dee, A dink -a doo.

Oh, what a tune for spoon -ing

Everybodies trying to get into the act

Ink -A Dink -Doo, A dink a dee, A dink -a doo,

It's got the whole world spoon -ing.

You know I think this guy can be replaced

Es -ki -mo bells up in Ice -land, Are ring -ing,

They've made their own Par -a -dise Land, Sing -ing

Ink -A Dink -Doo, A dink -a dee, A dink -a doo,

Simp -ly means Ink -A dink -A dee A dink -a doo.

Ink -A Dink -Doo, now if you take the word itself

What does it mean, well to find out exactly what

Ink -A Dink -Doo means

we'll have to go back to a few years ago

When back in that time there was a young man named

(Cagney) Wait a minute, wise guy.

Keep my name out of this. I don't care what you say,

or what you do or by anybody else, keep my name out of it!

Cause Ink -A Dink -Doo is my property

And if anyboby messes with it, I'll rub them out

You understand that, I'll rub them out.

( ) Well, well well, geee whiz. There's no need in getting excited

about ti fellas because well, well well, gee, we're

all here together and we all want to sing Ink -A Dink -Doo

and we're gonna do that, and well, we'll get the words and

I got the words right here, in fact, if everybody'll sit down

I'll sing a chorus to you right now. That's right

Cagney put away that gun and sit down right there.

Here we go, onesy, twosy

Ink -A Dink -Doo, A dink -a dee, A dink -a doo.

(Durante) You call that a note? This is a note

Ooooooooooh! What a note. It simply means

A dink -a doo, A dink -a dee.

Ah, what a note. If only Umbrea was here to see me

Ha, ha!


Lyrics submitted by Johnny Quaglia.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!