
It Pays to Pray

In sorrow I was sinking had all but stopped believing

Anyone would hear my call

Lost everything I treasured, grief was beyond measure

I wondered how far I’d fall

In my desperation I called upon my Savior

“Lead me to some solid ground”

Then, underneath the rubble of all my pain and trouble

You’ll never believe what I found

Well I’ve Been To The Bottom

And I’ve found at the bottom there’s a blessed Holy rock

A place for us to stand away from sinking sand

Safe in the hand of God

A foundation that is sure and ever will endure

To comfort the hurting heart

Well I’ve Been To The Bottom

And I’ve found at the bottom there’s a blessed Holy rock

We’ll if you’re world is crumbling, don’t know what is coming

You spend your days ‘a wonderin’ why

Everything around you seems to work against you

You question, “Will it ever stop?”

Friend, I”ve seen the bottom. I know just where you’re headin’

And it’s not where you think

Believe me when I tell you that God is gonna bless you

Way beyond your dreams


Lyrics submitted by Josh.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!