
Kinky Love

Kinky love

Kinky I'm mad about you

Kinky love

I need you so bad

I need you kinky love

Kinky you're all that I've been thinking of

Kinky take me inside and let the honey slide

I need you kinky loveGood to me

Kinky do all the things you should to me

Wake up I'm nervous

Sleep inside of me

Open your gates and let the river free

Oh kinky take me inside and let the honey slide

I need you kinky loveLate at night

In my bed as I lie here

Somewhere in limbo land

Half awake half asleep

Halfway somewhere else

I know I should be sleeping

But how can I close my eyes

When you know I understand you're mad(? )

And you've got to have your kinky loveI know I should be sleeping

But how can I close my eyes

When you know I understand you're mad(? )

And you've got to have your kinky love

Kinky I'm mad about you

Kinky love I need you so bad

I need you kinky love

Kinky you're all that I've been thinking of

Kinky take me inside

And let the honey slide

I need you kinky love

Oh kinky take me inside

And let the honey slide

I need you kinky love

Enjoy the lyrics !!!