
Kodak 1955

It was worn and tied with string, Momma carried it with pride

And handed that old shoebox down to me

Full of shiny photographs of family love inside

Reminders of a time that used to be

All the aunts and uncles, countless cousins one by one

Grandma in the kitchen by her stove

Uncle Elmore playing dominoes with Grandad and his boys

Cecil with a June bug on his nose

And I wouldn't take a million dollars for that box of memories

It brings all the folks I love right back to life

How I long to hear their voices one more time, but they don't speak

Just little letters in the border, Kodak 1955

Just a simple country family, raised up on the land

Grateful for the things the land provides

Gentle souls who's word was gold, they lent a helping hand

And knew the Lord was always by their side

Sometimes when this fancy world starts closing in on me

I go where things appear more black and white

Daddy in that snap brim hat, he looks so strong and lean

And Momma sure was pretty in her prime


Lyrics submitted by Elise Simpson.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!