
Love Is A Train

Love is a train go for a ride

Love is a train step inside

Love is a journey begins in the day

It's a first-class ticket take it all the way

It runs through the mountains rolls through the streams

Underneath the covers of your wildest dreams

Love is a trainLove is a train with wheels of fire

Passengers filled with steam and desire

Love is a mystery without any clues

You can stand in the station with a suitcase full of blues

The engineer whistles the brakeman sings

The conductor he knows how to deal with these things

Love is a train

Love is a train give it all you got

You never know when it's gonna stop

Love is a jungle love is a feast

It can sanctify the wise man soothe the savage beast

You could head out for the evening holding hands in the rain

Wake up in the morning run over by a train

You might start out at the engine ... like the way it feels

Wind up in the station underneath the wheels

Love is a train go for a ride

Love is a train step inside

Love is a train to carry me home

Love is a train to the great unknown

Love is a rainbow love is a gift

A treasure to be shared till the sands of time shift

Love is a nightmare love is a dream

Go to sleep at night together wake up alone and scream

Love is a journey a highway through the heart

It can bring your world together it can blow your world apart

Love is a power an unbelievable force

It can derail the human race put it right back on course

Love is a train without any track

Once you're on board you ain't never going back

Love is a train go for a ride

Love is a train step inside

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!