
Mission Temple Fireworks Stand


Do not be yoked together with unbelivers?

For what do rightishness and wickedness have in common?

Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

What does a beliver have in common with a unbeliver?

What agreement is their between the temple of god and idiots?

For we are the temple of the living god.

Come on ya'll....ya!


I saw a black man with a bible and a sparkler in his hand.

He was a holden a tent revival and a runnin a fire works stand.

He said the end of the world is commin

you better get on your knee's.

Today bottle rockets two for one,

but your salvations free.

He said I quit my job at a big church,

were the milk and money flowed.

To sell cherry bombs for jesus.

In a tent beside the road.

I ain't in for the money.

Most cars they pass on by.

But I pay the rent on new years, and the forth of july.


He read the holy ghost (holy ghost).

big bang theory (big bang theory).

Pentecostal (Pentecostal).

fire and brimstone (fire and brimstone).

Mission temple fire works stand.

Now fire works are dangerous they can blow up in your face.

You better read the instructions,

light the fuse and get away.

Well these things are made in China,

so it's easy to see, why a man who worships Budda,

ain't got no guarantees.


He read the holy ghost (holy ghost).

big bang theory (big bang theory).

Pentecostal (Pentecostal).

fire and brimstone (fire and brimstone).

Mission temple fire works stand....Wow!

Every thing I'm sellin is a goin up in smoke.

It's like taken twenty dollars ya'll and watchin it explode.

When the trumpts sound and the lord comes back,

I promise you one thing, I'll be a human bottle rocket,

and I'll go out with a bang!


I'll leave this holy ghost (holy ghost).

Big bang theory (big bang theory).

Pentecostal (Pentecostal).

Fire and brimstone (fire and brimstone)

Mission temple fire works stand...Hey!

Course repeat:

You know how to lead this?

We have the holy ghost (holy ghost).

Big bang theory (big bang theory).

Pentecostal (Penecostal).

Fire and brimstone (fire and brimstone).

Mission temple fire works stand.

Course repeat:

You now how to lead this?

Holy ghost (holy ghost).

Big bang theory (big bang theory).

Pentecostal (Pentecostal).

Fire and brimstone (fire and brimstand).

Mission temple fire works stand....Woohoo.


Jesus protects our world from evil and he protects the earth and every thing.


Lyrics submitted by Mark.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!