
Morgue Defilement

I Love Dissecting Dead Girl Bodies

Their Naked Corpses Excite My Mind

The Aroma Of Decomposition

Is The Best Aphrodisiac You Can FindWith Forceps I Twist Her Nipples

I Touch Them Thru My Rubber Gloves

I Spread Her Legs Along The Table

To Explore The Dank Genital ZoneSinking Down My Fingers

Into Her Cold Cunt

It's Wet By Adipocere

She's Ready To Fuck

Then I Suck Her Fluids

And Swallow The PusSodomized With My Bistoury

She's Starting To Gush

Fornicate Her Bloody Corpse

Gently Disembowelled

Penetrate Her Intestines...

Oh, Baby, I Will Cum!!Aaaaahhhhh - AaaaahhhhhFestered Cavities I Rape

Getting Pleasure On Decay

She's A Really Obedient Girl

She Does All The Things I SayWhen I'm Gonna Kiss Her Face

Mouldy, Emaciated And Pale

A Dark Crimson Substance Drips

From Her Swollen Purple LipsPost Mortem Convulsions, Violent Spasms

Because Of The Gases I Get An OrgasmObscene Masturbation, With Amputated Limbs

A Severed Rotten Tongue Sucks My DickMy Grisly Porno-Autopsy Ends

Ejaculating On Her Corpse

Hot Semen Over Her Remains

Emetic Is My Way Of Love

Enjoy the lyrics !!!