
Mother People

We are the other people

We are the other people

We are the other people

You're the other people too

Found a way to get to you . . .Do you think that I'm crazy?

Out of my mind?

Do you think that I creep in the night

And sleep in a phone booth?Lemme take a minute & tell you my plan

Lemme take a minute & tell who I am

If it doesn't show,

Think you better know

I'm another personDo you think that my pants are too tight?

Do you think that I'm creepy?

Lemme take a minute & tell you my plan

Lemme take a minute & tell who I am

If it doesn't show

Think you better know

I'm another person

Better look around before you say you don't care

Shut your fuckin' mouth about the length of my hair

How would you survive

If you were alive

Shitty little person?We are the other people

We are the other people

We are the other people

You're the other people too

Found a way to get to youWe are the other people

We are the other people

We are the other people

You're the other people too

Found a way to get to youDo you think that I love you . . .

Stupid & blind?

Do you think that I dream through the night

Of holding you near me?Lemme take a minute & tell you my plan

Lemme take a minute & tell who I am

If it doesn't show

Think you better know

I'm another person

Enjoy the lyrics !!!