
Mr Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln I wish you were here

The Republic's changed a lot in a hundred years

And I don't think it's working like you planned

Oh, Mr Lincoln, we could use a handI just read the headlines in The Nashville News

And I wish I'd made this up but I'm afraid it's true

'Cause a man was murdered for his money in the streets

He was taking his wife to a nice place to eatWhen they caught the man he did 23 months of time

He pled insanity like they do now all the time

Sir, what would you have done in 1859?

Now if you shoot someone, sir, you can get off scott-freeIt's the latest thing, Mr. Lincoln, can you believe?

Now they sue the manufacturers of the guns

Ain't the law changed a lot since 1861?Mr. Lincoln, I wish you were here

'Cause things have changed a lot in a hundred years

And I don't think it's working out like you planned

Hey, Mr. Lincoln, we sure could use a handI just heard the news story on the radio

They let dangerous men out of prisons now

Yes, sir I'm afraid it's so 'cause they're overcrowded

And it was only his fifth offenseThis time, he's killed someone, does that make any sense?

Now, my lawyer called me about a nuisance case

'Cause everybody sues over any little thing these days

Well, at least we're rightAll we gotta do is tell the truth

He said, "You're living in the past, you romantic fool"

I said, "You got that right, I lean toward the older ways

And there's damn few backwoods lawyers left today"Mr Lincoln, I wish you were here

The Republic's changed a lot in a hundred years

And I don't think it's working like you planned

Hey, Mr. Lincoln, we sure could use a handMr. Lincoln, please, could you come here?

'Cause things have changed a lot in a hundred years

And I don't think it's working out like you planned

Mr. Lincoln, we sure could use a hand

Enjoy the lyrics !!!