I thought I saw my pussycat
Crossin' Charlotte Street
Ah wasn't sure whether it was
The right pussin ah meet
But jus' as I was makin' sure
Up came a young lady
'Mister what yuh lookin' for
The pussin belongs to me
'Is my pussin, my pussin
My pussin, it's my pussin
I feed her, mind her, raise her from small
Man take off your han' from she
Don't touch meh pussin at all'
I said 'You sound intelligent
Ah won't fall for that
You must show me some document
To prove this is your cat
Is useless you keep tellin' me
Dat she belongs to you
Madame you don't understan'
My pussin is missing too'
She dipped into her leather bag
An' brought some things to show
She did in fact obtain this cat
Eleven months ago
'So if you are dissatisfied
An' need more proof from me
Mister I will take you home
An' show you the pedigree'
So here am I without my cat
I miss her terribly
Such a little sugarplum
She always slept with me
So what will be my position
When there is rain and storm
I don't know what I go do
No pussin to keep me warm