
My Sex

My sex

Waits for me

Like a mongrel waits

Downwind on a tight rope leashMy sex

Is a fragile acrobat

Sometimes I'm a Novocaine shot

Sometimes I'm an automatMy sex

Is often solo

Sometimes it short circuits then

Sometimes it's a golden glowMy sex

Is invested in

Suburban photographs

Skyscraper shadows on a car crash overpassMy sex

Is savage, tender

It wears no future faces

Owns just random genderMy sex

Has a wanting wardrobe

I still explore

Of all the bodies I knew and those I want to knowMy sex

Is a spark of electro flesh

Leased from the tick of time

And geared for synchromeshMy sex

Is an image lost in faded films

A neon outline

On a high-rise overspillMy sex

My sex

My sex


Enjoy the lyrics !!!