
No Refunds

Christmas time nieces and nephews spoilt rotten

Spend a bloody fortune, 5 minutes later it’s forgotten

My feral little niece, was the worst offender and she’s staying at my house ughhh worst Christmas ever, she’s bloody hard work adhd and hyperactive.

All the Medicean she needs is a swift kick in the clacker, but now days they say she’s different and special she’s special alright Ona feral arsehole level

This Christmas she got a train set went perfect with her work boots hard hat and tool belt they might be training her to be a little lesbian, she watches Ellen all day and loves mellisa evridge she took that train set up stairs set it up by herself 10 minutes later I thought I heard her yelling then swearing and cursing banging and bitching I could hear her going ape shit all the way from the kitchen if you wanna get off get off and if you leave your stuff on the train geuss what you a nob and if you don’t have a ticket tough shit I can’t help ya and no fucking smoking or security will belt ya and all you dumb bastards trying to buckle up there’s no fucking seatbelts on a train ya dumb fucks. And if you don’t like my rules well then your shit out of luck by the way no fucking refunds

Bolted upstairs and opened the door said listen little lady what’s all this cursing for I reckon that you might need some time out cos kids don’t use that kinda language in this house she just rolled her eyes and mumbled yes maam pissed off to the max train still in her hand I took that train no more playing with it and I left her to sulk while I went back to the kitchen I got busy, busy eating I wasn’t cooking I forgot all about her up in her room sulking ohh shit it was almost two hours later so I gave back her train and said best behaviour watch your language I’ll be listening so I left her with her train set and went back to the kitchen it was quiet for a while but when I heard her start it sounded like she had changed into an angel, bless her heart, ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining us today my friends please keep in touch and be sure to watch your step as you disembark the train and when your travelling next time please choose us again and again thanks so much for restraining from smoking apologies for the language before I was only joking and if the two hour delay caused any implications YOU CAN BLAME THE FUCKING BITCH IN THE KITCHEN. if you wanna get off get off and if you leave your stuff on the train geuss what you a nob and if you don’t have a ticket tough shit I can’t help ya and no fucking smoking or security will belt ya and all you dumb bastards trying to buckle up there’s no fucking seatbelts on a train ya dumb fucks. And if you don’t like my rules well then your shit out of luck Like I said no fucking refunds

And if you dont like my rules yeah your shit out of luck yeah no fucking refunds

Lyrics Submitted by Kbw

Enjoy the lyrics !!!