
No Words

There are times

Words failed to describe

The majesty of You

So insufficient to really speak of you Lord

But most of all

You are in awe of God

Is who you are

There are no letters

That fit together

To testify

None can describe your love

Your mercy, that's who you are

To tell of your goodness

And your sacrifice

No words that have been heard

So I'll just say

You are my God

So many thoughts fill up my heart

When I think of you

so inadequate

To really speak of you

Search for a way

For me to say just

Who you are

There are no letters

That fit together

To testify

None can describe your love

Your mercy, that's who you are

To tell of your goodness

And your sacrifice

No words that have been heard

So I'll just say

Oh, oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh


(Repeat till end of song)

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!