

She was like

Looking at me

with those eyes

Looking right though me

Reading every page of me

Everything from a migrane I had

To the very last situation bad.

But that's mama

She can do that

She has powers and intution(its true)

I could never get anything past her if i wanted to

I told her I was dealing with this thing

I told her I was dealing with some pain

But she's not one of those mamas

Like tell this just tell that

She said don't you believe in God

Theres no poblem that's hard

Baby can't mama can't help you through it

Talk to your father, tell him to do it

(Chrous)Seems like my clock is broken

Even then it's right twice a day

Being in this holding pattern.

Fighting with emotions, What's the matter

You are my souce, my strenght, my sword, my shield.

Lord the miracle I need is right now.


Lord the miracle I need is right now.


She was like blowin up my cell phone.

Back to back 911 its on

Pick it up and I say whats goin on.

And a real strong voice says come home.

But thats daddy, he and mama they been talkin

So he called me and now I'm double-teamed on a three way call.

And I'm going to lose

Don't you believe in God

Theres no problem that's hard

Baby mama and daddy can't help you through it

Talk to your father, tell Him to do it.

(Chorus)Seems like my clock is broken

Even then it's right twice a day

Being in this holding pattern.

Fighting with emotions

What's the matter

You are my source, my strenght, my sword, my shield.

Lord the miracle I need is right now.


Lord the miracle I need is right now.



Lyrics submitted by Black.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!