
On Being a Bastard

Farewell friend, until tomorrow

Where you are still nitpicking our diets and names

The potential is still there

Yet it's somehow unexpectedI'll show you courage if you show me responsibility

Something lost long ago in trying

To please everyone in pleasing ourselvesIf it feels good it must be right, right?

So what's a child?

A fetus or kink in sexual revolution and what am I?

A threat, a kink in political consistencyMore name games and more personal choice

So where's mine?

Or are you to deal me such luxuries?Call me what I am and mean every word

Be prepared to take yours

You see you're not aloneI'll show you responsibility if you show me reasoning

Something you never possessed

You always coveted anger and vengeance

But for what?One less bite, one less burden

I'm sick of being the bastard

Keep your fight and know I'll keep mine

Enjoy the lyrics !!!