
One Way Rag

White Alan


One Way Rag

(K. Cradaddock/C. Gibson)Who's that alley cat

Scratchin' in the trashcan?

come on get your feet off the bed

Everyone's goin' to the one-way rag.Poppa put your shoes on

Can't dance with the blues on.

Come on get yourself in drag

Everyone's goin' to the one way rag

No two ways about it

You don' have to shout and scream about it

Ain't gonna listen to my neighbours

Gonna get in my car and step on the gas

Ain't no fastback's gonna get past me

No-to the one way rag

Feel the one way clown

Turn your face upside down

Get out of that lonesome bag

Everyone's gone to the one way rag


Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!