
Open Your Eyes

The siren sounds loudly through the streets

Chassidim rush to try and claim their seats

The crowd still grows in 770

They all await to see the king

A path is cleared, the Rebbe takes his chair

L'chaim, joyful singing fills the air

His loving gaze on everybody there

The Rebbe's voice, so loud and clear

My dear chassidim, her zich tzu

I know that you'll pull through

Ker a velt forever, to change the world anew

Our mission now is clear, to reveal Moshiach here

Open your eyes, the Geulah has arrived

All at once they poured out to the streets

Tefillin on the Yidden that they meet

Menorahs standing tall and burning bright

Shabbos candles light up the night

With new meaning, they march on faithfully

Preparing for Moshiach our king

Carrying on the mission joyfully

As the Rebbe's voice still does ring

My dear chassidim, her zich tzu

I know that you'll pull through

Ker a velt forever, to change the world anew

Our mission now is clear, to reveal Moshiach here

Open your eyes, the Geulah has arrived

Enjoy the lyrics !!!