

Operator: give me information

Information, give me long distance

Long distance, give me the Supreme Court!

Operator: information

Get the Chief Justice on the line

Operator: information

I'd like to speak to a friend of mine

Error is the number: appeals is the exchange

Republican's the street and Renquist is his name

Oh operator: information, please give me Renquist on the line

Operator: information

Tell him I'm calling

Operator: information

I've gotta problem with a slip and fall

The trial court made an error

The appeals court did the same

The plaintiff wasn't careful -

My client took the blame

Operator: information

Please give me Renquist on the line

Operator: information

Please help me (if you can)

Oh, operator: information

Please connect me with the man

Don't you worry 'bout the money

I will pay the fee

Just clear an open line

And please grant cert for me

Operator: information

Please give me Renquist on the line

Please give me justice on the line

Please give me justice on the line


Lyrics Submitted by Gregory B Acedo

Enjoy the lyrics !!!