
Our House is Dadless

Well my house is a mad house

Well hardly sit down and watch T. V cause we got things to do

And I got things to do

Mum talks calmly for a while and then starts shouting

Clean up the kitchen

I always say I'll do it later

Or yeah in a minute

My house is a hot spot

Everyday of the week someone will be in my house who don't live here

The neighbours ain't got a problem with us

Yeah music plays in my house constantly

Constant noise but I wouldn't have it any other way I love my house

Total chaos, yeah it's random

Off key, different, no house is similar

But for some reason it works

My house is crazy you knowOur house, in the middle of our street

Our house in the middle of our...

Our house, in the middle of our street

Something tells you that you've got to move away from itYou hold a better conversation

When born in grimey locations

And that's where you'll find my crib

In the same area where the alkies live

So I love my street

You get bare joke when the alkies beef

And though outside may reek

Not in my crib no potpourri

And we've just added new bricks

So every other house in the street looks shit

Compared to ours

But it's hard to get a decent kip when out comes the stars

Because of all the beef in my avenue

Neighbours fight so police in my avenue

So you might catch me in my living room

Up late writing to beats if I'm in the mood

Or if not I'll be on the Playstation

Or better still msn conversations

And everyone of our houses are Dadless

So no wonder our houses are MadnessOur house, in the middle of our street

Our house in the middle of our...

Our house, in the middle of our street

Something tells you that you've got to move away from itSunday morning my day off

I can smell that bacon cooking

And mum's downstairs doing that weekly washing

Singing along she's got that motown rocking

And I'm shouting out 'mum turn it down'

Cos I'm tryna sleep right now

Argh forget it I was getting up anyway

Man I can't get a lie in any day

So I'm downstairs arguing

Mum chill out I won't have this in our house

Ok, your house

Then I had a little moan how the living room's freezing

And then she starts screaming

Mum I ain't being rude just turn up the heating

She said 'move out if you ain't warm enough'

Coincidently, suddenly I'm warming upOur house, in the middle of our street

Our house in the middle of our...

Our house, in the middle of our street

Something tells you that you've got to move away from it

Something tells you that you've got to get away from it

Enjoy the lyrics !!!