

Goodevening ladies and gentleman, please give it up for RS

thank you guys thank you very much

if u dont mind u can keep playing the piano, go ahead

so how you guys like the album,you enjoy it?

wow, im honored

thank you, very nice of you

i was trying to include a song in this prod where i could just express my feelings and my thoughts

sort of what im feeling at this moment

but i couldnt create the right melody

im sure you guys have heard many stories, a lot speculations

and like usual in every version i'm the bad guy,

Romeos the bad guy.

i mean people, sometimes a person can really get very tired of defending themselveS over and over again

especially when you see YOURe point is not getting across

so ive decided to say no more

and ill just be amusement and entertainment to you guys

i will love those that love me and i will also love those that hate me because

haters contribute to my success.

you know continue to do what i do best, music,with my own formula

Thank You

Enjoy the lyrics !!!