

With depravity, I break lots of gravity

Blast past the atmosphere to the last frontier

I go boldly through space and time

The sky's the limit but they're limiting the skyI break orbit by habit, I ignite satellites

And leave rings round the planets

A flying ace like that beagle

Nevertheless this alien remains illegal'Cause their discovery dont cover me

The immigrants been left in the cold to grow old

And disintegrate, discriminate

Against the distant and disclaimers'Cause small minds can't see past Uranus

When I shun their race

'Cause that's just a phase

And my odyssey runs in 2001 waysAnd I can see clearly now like Hubbell

Shoved off the shuttle

Here's my rebuttal

It's a planetWho do you represent?

I represent the smallest planet

A tourney in this journey

Versus those who tried to ban itIf you don't agree

Go see interplanet Janet Cause

The sun is star like

Pluto is planetSo lend me all ears

And let me state my case

About all the types

Of satellites we must embrace'Cause like parents, great-grandparents

This planet was an immigrant

To deport its an offense

It's an upstanding member of the solar systemAbide the laws of Earth and make it a victim

Of Proposition, 187

When Pluto spawns a moon

It will apply to the heavensA dandy like Judas of Iscariot

If you demote this boat, remote to a goat

It's like taking ETs custody from Elliot

Support yours, clearly put cause, simply putPluto is a planet, Pluto

Pluto is a planet, Pluto

Pluto is a planet, Pluto

Pluto is a planet, PlutoDo it for the children

If not for yourself

Pluto is a

Enjoy the lyrics !!!