
Popular Demand

I stayed out late last night

Why am I such a fool?

My alarm did not go off

Now I'm late for school

I sneak slowly into class with professional agility,

"Yer not saved by the bell," yells Mr. PeabodySome people think that I should do my best,

Why should I when I just flunked my last test

Just Say No

To Popular Demand

'cause everyone you know is workin' for the man

Just Say No

To Popular Demand

Walk when they say run, and sit when they say standThe faculty is all against me

The Government is too

Ferris Bueler you're my hero

You'd know what to do

Live each day as if it was your last, that was always my philosphy

No! Try harder than the rest, that's what they yell at me

Enjoy the lyrics !!!