
Portable Gasstove

Sick perverted threesome

Entering the station once known

As a peaceful and quiet

Residence for truck driversPortable Gasstove, run for your life

Portable Gasstove, you stay you'll be gassed

Portable Gasstove, stench sets in fast

Portable Gasstove, from your life you striveStench

Stinking smell, drunk longhaired

Scumbags, eating and drinking 'till

The mayhem sets inPortable Gasstove, run for your life

Portable Gasstove, you stay you'll be gassed

Portable Gasstove, stench sets in fast

Portable Gasstove, from your life you striveAnus opens, huffing gas, dark smelly clouds

Filled the station

People went in young, gasping for air

Walked out oldPortable Gasstove, run for your life

Portable Gasstove, you stay you'll be gassed

Portable Gasstove, stench sets in fast

Portable Gasstove, from your life you striveStench

They couldn't take the gas assault

All oxygen was gone

One didn't know there existed

A real life-like portable gasstove

StenchPortable Gasstove, run for your life

Portable Gasstove, you stay you'll be gassed

Portable Gasstove, stench sets in fast

Portable Gasstove, from your life you strivePortable gasstove

Portable gasstove

Enjoy the lyrics !!!