
Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart

Have mercy on me o God

According to your steadfast love

According to

Your abundant mercy

And blot out my transgressions

Wash me thoroughly

From my iniquity

And cleanse me from my sin

For I know my transgressions

My sin is ever before me

To you alone

Against you I've sinned

Done evil in your sight

You are justified

And against me testified

I'm guilty since my birth

O Lord, open up my lips,

My mouth declares your praise

You don't delight in sacrifice

If I gave burnt offerings

You would not be pleased

The sacrifice you want

Is our hearts

You desire truth in my soul

Teach your wisdom to my heart

Purge me o Lord

And I shall be clean

And whiter more than snow

Let me hear glad joy

My crushed bones, let rejoice

And blot out all my sin

O Lord, open up my lips,

My mouth declares your praise

You don't delight in sacrifice

If I gave burnt offerings

You would not be pleased

The sacrifice you want

Is our hearts

Give me a clean heart, o God

And put a steadfast spirit in me

Don't cast me off

Send me from your presence

Don't take your spirit from me

Restore to me the joy

Salvation from the Lord

Give me a willing spirit

Then I will

Teach all of your ways

And sinners will return to you

Deliver me from bloodshed God

O God of my salvation

And my tongue will sing

Of deliverance you bring

O open up my lips

O Lord, open up my lips,

My mouth declares your praise

You don't delight in sacrifice

If I gave burnt offerings

You would not be pleased

The sacrifice you want

Is our hearts

Lyrics Submitted by David Umoh

Enjoy the lyrics !!!