
Rastaman Live Up!

Rastaman, live up

Bongoman, don't give up

Congoman, live up, yeah

Binghi-man don't give up

Keep your culture

Don't be afraid of the vulture

Grow your dread lock

Don't be afraid of the wolf-pack

Rastaman, live up

Binghi-man, don't give up

Congoman, live up, yeah

Bongoman, don't give up

David slew Goliath

With a sling and a stone

Samson slew the Philistines

With a donkey jawbone

Iyaman, live up

Rastaman, don't give up

Binghi-man, live up, yeah

Congoman, don't give up

Trod ding through creation

In a Ire meditation

Seen many visions

In a this ayah Armageddons

Rastaman, live up

Congoman, don't give up

Rastaman, live up, yeah

Natty Dread, no give up

Saw it in the beginning

So shall it be in this iwa

And they fallen in confusion

Well a just a step from Babel Tower

Rastaman live up

Congoman, no give up

Rastaman live up, yeah

Congoman, no give up

Grow your dreadlocks

Don't be afraid of the wolf-pack

A tell you, one man a walkin'

And a billion man a sparkin'

Rastaman, live up

Binghi-man, don't give up

Don't give up, don't give up

Don't give up

Enjoy the lyrics !!!