I'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna love you more than anyoneThis is who I amI'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna love you more than anyoneThis is who I amI'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna love you more than anyoneI'm gonna love you more than anyone
I'm gonna love you more than anyoneIt's about sexuality, it's about showing a person who you are
To me, this is who I'm aboutI'm gonna love you more than anyoneSometimes you are trying to find yourself
And you run away always
And that's what happened to me
I've chosen you discipleThis is who I am
You know my motherfucking styleWe're good to roleTian di jianI've been watching you
I want to be youThis is who I amThis is the best way to go
At night, you can see the city lights brighter than ever
And stars and constellations
And it's breathtaking
The star field is just so spectacular
And one night, I saw something come down to us
Come down to us