

I dont wish for riches

I wish only for your love

Im yours, dear

youre mine....If you touch me

i can die in peace in love

Dear, come into my arms

I long to melt within you

I wish ... I could lose myself in your entiretymy days are lively with joy- my nights sing

they make me lost every passing moment

Ive lost myself as I win you

Now I live just for you

I wish I could look at you forever

I wish I could worship your image

All my relations begin with youI wish I could fall upon your body like a garland

I wish I could sail in love

Across the universe

I wish I could sail through this life in your loveThis is soft warm addiction and it keeps on rising

I wish you could wake me like never

My heart has now known madness

My world has lighted up

Like a new bride

Ive become yours, my loveAs you adorn my temple with your loveI dont wish for riches

I want you-

I dont know anything more

perhaps, you know

I just know that Im all yours-

And that youre mine

I just know that Im all yours,

And youre mine.

I know Im all yours

And youre mine, only mine

Enjoy the lyrics !!!