
Salm Na Mara (Psalm of the Sea)

Èist ri guth na mara guirm ---Listen to the blue sea's voice

a' suathadh ris an traigh ---Rubbing against the shore

is gabh a comhairle le suim ---accept its advice with respect

le muithteachd ann a dàn ----inconstancy being its nature

à tàladh ùidh bho thoiseach tìm ----stirring desire since time began

gu seòladh air a druim -----to sail on its back

le bidh ri thrusadh tro gach linn. and garner food, through centuries,

bho chladaichean 's bho thuinn. from shoreline and through waves

an dream bha 'n urra ris a' ghaoith. it was folk dependent on the winds

's a sheòl bho chuan gu cuan. who sailed from sea to sea,

gun dh'fhosgail iad ar tuisge dhuinn. who opened up our knowledge.

de chruinne 'n iomadh duan. of a world of many songs.

tha diohmhaireachdan iongantach. there are many marvellous mysteries

fo bharraibh glann nan tonn. beneath the clean tops of the waves,

is beatha-cruth na lionmhorachd. and innumerable life forms

tro dhoimhneachdan gu bonn. through depths down to the bottom


ach chuinn na bha mar fhirinn chruaidh. but hear what was told as hard fact

do mhàirnealaich nan còrs'. by mariners on those coasts

na bòcain a thug orra 'm buaidh. the bogies that might influence them

mus rachadh cas air bòrd. before they'd set foot on board

tha uilebheistean air an gairm, monsters are called upon, as are

droch-bheusan 's ionnadh taibhs. bad mannars and many ghosts,

gach rabhd is ròlaist anns an t-seirm. all rhymes and exaggerations in the sermon

neo-'r-thainig gun sibhinn dàibh. ungratefulness, without regard to kinship.

i'll try to finish more later

Lyrics Submitted by Hannah Torres

Enjoy the lyrics !!!