
Second Chance (feat. Nicola Jayne)

Alright listen up yeah coz I’ve got something to say

You know when you’re out and you see someone you like the look of

But you’re just too scared to go a chat to them?

We’ve all been there

I just want you to know, whether you’re a guy or girl

I feel your pain and I’m with you

Fellas first, let’s go!

We all know the feeling

When you see a pretty girl and you wanna start speaking

But you can’t think of anything to say

Your mind goes blank and your heart starts beating

So you make your excuses to leave it

Telling yourself there’s no way to achieve it

“She’s with all her mates anyway”

You don’t wanna to disrupt the convo that she’s deep in

So you throw the towel in

And feel a sense of relief as you get another round in

But before long you’re scowling

Coz you just clocked another guy start prowling

You try and tell yourself not to worry

She’d never get with a guy that ugly

But now she’s playing with her hair

Laughing at his jokes and they’re not even funny

What?! That should’ve been you

And if you had balls it could’ve been too

You imagined it all going wrong

But if you’d just tried then it wouldn’t be true

Now you’re kicking yourself on the way home

Tryna use everything else as a scapegoat

“She wasn’t that fit anyway”

But you know that you’ve only got yourself to blame though

… and that’s the worst part

You should’ve moved when you had the first chance

You vow that you’ve learned your lesson

And it happens again you’ll talk to the girl fast

If only you could turn back time

You’d pluck up the courage to go and say “Hi”

But now you’ll never know what could’ve happened

And you’ll wonder about it for the rest of your life

If only you could turn the clock back

If only you could have a second go

If only you had taken the chance

Things might be different but now you’ll never know

Right? But girls, I know it’s not always easy for you either

I think as guys, we get so wrapped up in the way we’re thinking

We don’t stop to consider what it’s like for you lot

So it’s only right, that we get to hear your side of the story too

Ready? Let’s go!

You all know the feeling

When you’re out with the girls at a bar for the evening

You see a guy that you like

And start giving off vibes in the hope that they’ll reach him

But he just doesn’t seem to receive ‘em

No matter how blatant you make it

So you assume he’s not into you

And go back to chatting to your mates that you came with

But before long another guy approaches

And it’s clear that he just wants to get lucky

He’s not your type but you’re too polite

So you laugh at his jokes even though they’re not funny

But pretty soon he can sense that it’s hopeless

So he makes his excuses to leave

You’re relieved but it’s only at that point you notice

The other guy’s nowhere to be seen

The night carries on in a similar fashion

You and your friends just wanna hit the dancefloor

But you can’t coz it’s full of guys grinding and grabbing

And using chat up lines you’ve heard before

Your patience starts wearing thin

And you can even feel your eyelid twitching

You snap at the next guy who comes over

Who now thinks all women are bitches

You go home and start asking yourself

“Why do I just attract losers and creeps?”

Why was the guy from the start not on it

Maybe there’s something that’s wrong with me

If only you could turn back time

You’d pluck up the courage to go and say “Hi”

But now you’ll never know what could have happened

And you’ll wonder about it for the rest of your life

If only you could turn the clock back

If only you could have a second go

If only you had taken a chance

Things might be different but now you’ll never know

But what if we didn’t have to wonder? What if we turn back time?

Would you make the most of it, or let fear get the better of you?

Let’s go back now and see how much better this whole night coulda gone.

Starting with the fellas, once again – let’s go.

We all know the feeling

When you see a pretty girl and you wanna start speaking

You feel the fear in your chest

But you do it anyway coz these moments are fleeting

You start walking and don’t waste your time

Coz you wanna get there before you change your mind

She’s talking but you don’t wanna wait

So you excuse yourself and start saying “Hi…

“This might sound a little forward

But I just saw you and I thought you looked gorgeous

And I knew if I didn’t come over

I’d be full of remorse for being overly cautious”

She pauses…

And the silence it causes is awfully awkward

But then she says ‘It’s nice to meet you’

And flashes a smile that’s practically flawless…

Your absorbed in the conversation

Coz it’s more interesting than the boring questions

That your often faced with in this situation

Like “What’s your name and what’s your occupation?”

You chat about all the interests you share

As you go and sit somewhere a bit more comfy

– And now you’re playing with your hair

And laughing at his jokes coz they’re actually funny!

Your mates come and try and drag you away

But you tell them it’s OK because you wanna stay

It’s the first person you’ve met in ages

That you’d actually be happy to see the next day

If only you could turn back time…

Then you wouldn’t do a damn thing different

Coz you took a risk and it paid off

But just imagine for a moment you didn’t

That’s the moral of the story people

If you see someone you like the look of – just go chat to ‘em.

Coz what’s the worst that could happen?

They’re not gonna shout at you

Tthey’re not gonna throw a drink over you

And even if they do – at least you’ve got a funny story to tell

Lyrics Submitted by Keno Fuhrken

Enjoy the lyrics !!!