
Silver Screen (Shower Scene)

Sweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenIn the music, say the word

See the light, join the herd

Love, it comes, love, it goes

Diamond memories go with the flowIn the music, say the word

See the light, join the herd

Love, it comes, love, it goes

Diamond memories go with the flowSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screenSweet seduction in a magazine

Endless pleasure in a limousine

In the back shakes a tambourine

Nicotine from a silver screen


Thomas John Lorello;Felix Stallings;David Jenefsky;Robert Phillip OrlandoPublished by


Enjoy the lyrics !!!