
Sleepy Children

SpringfieldSoft cotton pillows, filled with down

Cradle a sleepy head

Cuddle up under an Eiderdown

In a warm and cozy bedChart a course in a wooden ship

to the sleepy seas of rhye

With girls and boys and your favorite toys

We'll be there by and by

Tomorrow will be here and so until then

Please go to sleep all you sleepy children

The moon's a balloon where your dreams are tied on

Please sleepy children don't keep the light onSoft, toasty beds on a frosty night

Hot chocolate and tea by the fire

Long white candles dripping with wax

The moon says its time to retire

Chart a course in a wooden ship

to the sleepy seas of rhye

With girls and boys and your favorite toys

We'll be there by and by

Tomorrow will be here and so until then

Please go to sleep all you sleepy children

The moon's a balloon where your dreams are tied on

Please sleepy children don't keep the light on

Soft cotton pillows, stuffed with down

Cradle a sleepy head

Cuddle up under an Eiderdown

In a warm and sheltered bed

Chart a course in a wooden ship

to the sleepy seas of rhye

With girls and boys and your favorite toys

We'll be there by and by

Tomorrow will be here and so until then

Please go to sleep all you sleepy children

The moon's a balloon for your dreams to ride on

Please sleepy children don't keep the light on

Tomorrow will be here and so until then

Please go to sleep all you sleepy children

The moon's a balloon where your dreams are tied on

Please sleepy children don't keep the light on

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!