When we dream of leaves and queens
And of sheep in fields of green
When the eagle hears our feet
Can we sleep less in fear
There's a needle in this wheel
There's a needle
Prophet speaks through stone and bone
Free from courts of shifting tone
I will come for you alone
Can we sleep less and wait?
There's a needle in this wheel
There's a needle
In the wild a hand of man
Lines the trees to face the West
We did fall between the span
Of the roots and the thorns
There's a needle in this wheel
There's a needle
This will come to pass again
In the dark a raining fire
In the quiet a gathering
Will we rise now in time
Theres a needle in this wheel
Theres a needle in this wheel
We're all needles
Lyrics © 2011 Shanti Curran
Lyrics submitted by Buck Curran.