
Star Puzzled

["God does not play dice with the universe" - Albert Einstein]If you glance into nebular haze

Toward the light of a galactic emperor

An excursion through an advanced maze,

Following the intensity of a burning superiorThe rays travel where man would find immediate death,

Yearly, daily, hourly, and in the stillness of a breath

Seeing the unseen,

Meeting matter without sheenEight minutes of experiences not understandable

In a puzzling journey of particle suction

I would sell my soul if it were possible

To ride the sun's frequent eruptionsWhen the sunspot process peaks so fast

The magnetic stellar dice is cast

Oscillation in the dualism,

Light and darkness polytheismReaching to know, high and belowLearning calculations made by the magnanimous

Using the magnitude parallax as the cosmic tool

Ignored by the narrow-minded as ridiculous,

But even Newton was called a fool!"What once was watched from Gallilei's observatory?

Still falls under the same category

But my wonderings will not rest

Until the insight is burning in my chest"So many pieces to put in place,

So many riddles to solve in this extended maze"I'm sitting at the sunset transfixed by the idea

That our cosmos may be just one out of many planes

Like all the raindrops at the end build a sea

But that's hardly what you think of when it rains"

Enjoy the lyrics !!!