Stay awhile if you want
Don't want to see you go
We can sit here not moving
Hardly talking
Not alone
If you want to pretend
Everything is alright
Then stay another day
And I'll you watch you play
Not alone
But if you want to know
Which way to go,
Ask somebody else
And if you're wondering
What's going on
Remember that we're not alone
For a while
So for another day
I'll sit and watch you play
Not alone
Staring up at the ceiling
I can hardly remember
And I'm floating freely above
Just for tonight
It's alright
But if you want to know
Which way to go,
Ask somebody else
And if you're wondering
What's going on
Remember that we're not alone
If you want to know
Which way to go,
Ask somebody else
And if you're wondering
What's going on
Don't hold me down
When I want to go high
Let me sit and just floating
Hardly breathing
Not alone
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.