
Strings On Our Kings

Hey There Mr.Pinnochio Man

I heard you once had a killer plan

For the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

I heard you had some family ties

I heard you set up some alabis

And Bedfellow Gepetto Carved a new nose on your face.

Long time ago. When there were

Strings on our Kings

Black Gold and Diamond Rings

When there were strings tangling

‘Till a Brave Bard Cut them

Then it was ashes to ashes when they finally fell down

And in the Rubble a country was found

Hey There Mr. Puppet Boy

I heard you used to play with Toys

Set the Soldiers up. Knock the Soldiers Down.

I heard the people were your employer

But you took faith in God and Oil

Bravado’s the band aid that comforts the clown.

Long Time Ago. When There were


Root Bound Oooh


I am so grateful to be looking back

God Bless the Soldiers

Goddess bless all souls under attack……..

And Wash away the Shame

Though it was not in my Name.

And Wash away the Shame

From a Long time Ago


Got too hot for a boy of wood

Who got confused about where he stood

On the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh Say Can You See?


Lyrics submitted by Marina Gallaghe.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!