

Would you delay the sun for some hours for me?

Could you take a chance if the chances were free?

Would you go as the islands take over the tree?

Could you leave everything you know instantly?We'll leave all the structures

The black lines and bank cards and bills

We'll leave all the structures

The buildings, the oceans, the hillsWould you stay with me if they told you to go?

Could you trust a person you really don't know?

Would you promise to give it more than it takes?

Would you forgive a dreamer for all his mistakes?We'll leave all the structures

The black lines and bank cards and bills

We'll leave all the structures

The buildings, the oceans, the hills

We'll leave all the structures

Our parents, our children, our friends

We'll leave all the structures

Start a new one and see where it endsAnd we'll leave, and we'll leave

And we'll leave in structure too

And we'll leave, and we'll leave

And we'll leave in structure too

And we'll leave, and we'll leave

And we'll leave in structure too

And we'll leave, and we'll leave

And we'll leave in structure tooWe'll leave all the structures

The black lines, the bank cards, the bills

We'll leave all the structures

The buildings, the oceans, the hills

We'll leave all the structures

Our parents, our children, our friends

We'll leave all the structures

Start a new one and see where it ends

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!