
Sunrise (Man Without Country Remix)

Sunrieses in your head

Or did you wake up in

Someones elses bedDid you, did you forget

While you were breathing down,

Breathing down her neckHow could you, how could you

How could you play alongWhen you knew, when you knew

You should leave it aloneLeave it alone, leave it alone

Leave it alone, leave it aloneAnd if tomorrow it isn't on

Well, in a couple weeks

I'll have you to my ownCould you, could you have stayed

Well, a little longer

So I could kiss your faceHow could you, how could you

How could you play alongWhen you knew, when you knew

You should leave it aloneLeave it alone, leave it alone

Leave it alone, leave it alone

Leave it alone, leave it alone

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!