

We throw beach towels into the breeze

Ease our backs into the sand

Close our eyes and

Ask the sun to stay out just a little bit longer

And we don't run when the heat gets stronger

We just lather our skin with sunscreen

Close our eyes again

And drift off into a silent sleep

Knowing we're protected from whatever else the day might bring

This protection is beautiful

She asks me if she's beautiful

Every Friday night

Standing at the foot of the stairs

She asks me if she looks alright

And if only she could see what I see through my eyes

How the flowers turn their face to her stride

How the rainbow of her smile is enough to overcast the skies

I tell her she's beautiful

And I mean it

Because she's been flipping through magazines again so

It's gonna be hard for her to see it but I see it

I know it

The same way I know the metal still shines behind the rust

I know her beauty lingers

Like the band of skin still holding her natural skin tone

Behind the diamond ring on her finger

I know her beauty lingers

Behind stilettos and name brand clothes

Salon haircuts and make-up

I ask her

Do you know why they call it make-up?

Because too much of it

Makes you make-up lies about who you really are

And you already shine brighter than any star

You can see it if the city would just turn its light off for once

But it seems the world has forgotten where the shine should really come from

We're thinking outside in instead of inside out


Dabble some of that lipstick off your mouth

It makes my cheeks feel greasy

Some days she doesn't believe me

Those days when she's at her worst

When nothing else hurts more than her reflection staring back at her

Every tear drips like Chinese torture

Facedown in the aftermath

Her confidence shattered into a pile of broken mortar

She is left defenseless

While we make battlefields out of skin

Silicon and collagen being buried beneath like landmines

Recruiting girls as young as nine

Putting them through boot-camps of crash diets and bulimia

Using Revlon for war paint

Gucci for body armor

Coach purses as weapons of mass distribution

Beauty vs. vanity

And vanity is slicing beauty up her sternum

To expose her flaws for the rest of the world to

Gawk and laugh at

(If you think I'm taking this metaphor to the extreme, ask yourself how many times we've cut down others for not meeting our superficial expectations)

Yesterday I saw a 14 year-old girl wearing a skirt shorter than my father's ambition

I can almost imagine

While she powders her face in the bathroom

Downstairs on the TV

Pedophiles are getting caught staring stupid into the hidden cameras of Dateline NBC

I wish I could tell her I'm sorry

Sorry we let you down I promise you can return to

Slumber parties and gossiping about boys when the world decides to finally come around

I am not self-proclaimed righteous

In fact I've stared at more cleavage than I can count

But if there's any glimpse of any honesty left in me

Then let this poem be the way that honesty should sound

You're beautiful

You're beautiful

And I'll repeat it until it saves you

Until you learn you can spend an entire lifetime in the bathroom

But it'll never compare to how perfect you already are exactly the way God made you

So let the flowers turn their face to your radiance

Let your heartbeat pulsate to your skin

Marvel at your magnificence in the mirror

Spin then do it again

Beauty is nothing more than confidence

Vanity is nothing more than shackles

And love will never equal a man who's knees are scraped with carpet burns

From trying to run out your door with his pants around his ankles

Wear your smile like a sundress

Wear your mystique like sunscreen

To protect yourself from being burned by the sheer ugliness of beauty magazines

Because the sun is shining

And the sunscreen will help you see

That the protection will always be beautiful

Just as you will always be beautiful

You will always be beautiful

To me


Lyrics submitted by Olivia Sandiford.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!