Well, I am broken down right here off the main road
Somewhere near Kentucky on the border of Tennessee
And I am broken down right here where it counts, love,
In this precious little space inside of me.
But it’s only temporary,
And it’s only for a year or two
And it’s all that I can bear to see
When my arms are full of everything but you.
Well, I have been held over and I’ve missed appointments
And I have been kept from you by the wrinkled hand of fate
But I have felt your lashes, soft as kitten thickets
Your breath like mountain laurel on my face
But it’s only temporary,
And I’m off to someone new
And it’s only there to help me
When my arms are full of everything but you.
You have been my servant and you have been my vessel
You have been my martyr oh and you have been my queen
You could charm the devil out of anything you’re after
But I have been your nothing in between
And it’s only temporary
And it’s only half as cruel
As the load I made you carry
When my arms were full of everything but you
And it’s only temporary
And it’s only half as cruel
As the load I made you carry
When my arms were full of everything but you.
Lyrics submitted by Sea.