
The Church

Chapter I: Dark WhispersStanding in its shadow, the old temple shows its age

Desolation and decay hang like a pall about the place

The vacant gothic structure,

by padlocked rusty gate confined

A touch of the dimly sinister, which I cannot defineDark whispers, tales of superstition

From some unknown, vast gulf of night

What monstrous evil dwelt within and left its mark,

shuttered from the light?Legends are evoked, fear of something locked away

behind the darkest door

Some things are better left to rest in peace,

Alone in the blackness forevermoreThe square is oddly quiet, the church yard overgrown

A few people in the distance, I approach a constable

He speaks of priestly warnings, foul things of days gone past

And a cult that summoned evil, in dark days that didn't lastDark whispers, tales of superstition

From some unknown, vast gulf of night

What monstrous evil dwelt within and left its mark,

shuttered from the light?Legends are evoked, fear of something locked away

behind the darkest door

Some things are better left to rest in peace,

Alone in the blackness forevermoreThe dark sect took root within the church's gothic walls,

Sometimes town folk would go missing,

A mystery still unsolved

It took a valiant priest to exorcise the beast

Drive out the heretics, but some still believe

the evil lies in waitNow I'm edging nearer to the church's iron gate

Missing bars provide me entrance to the temple and my fate

My trespass is revealed by those who make the cross

They slowly back away, as if they know the costAmidst the rot and tangles I search for entryway

Doors locked, I walk the path around the stone blockade

A cellar window, passage to within the church's walls

I struggle with my fear, but still I hear the callChapter II: EntryInto the dark,

I let myself down to the concrete floor

Within the vast cellar of dense shadows,

my courage I enforce

A black archway to the right

leads to the upper floor

I climb the worn stone steps

The darkness I deploreStrange as any imagining,

as if my weird tales came to life

Strange feelings, eyes upon me,

a malignant presence I can't describeI fumble without light,

A blind man feeling with his hands

Stopped by a closed door

in dark as black as night

Pushed open to a corridor,

dimly lit my eyes do glance

The massive hall revealed,

through stained glass rays of lightStrange as any imagining,

as if my weird tales came to life

Strange feelings, eyes upon me,

a malignant presence I can't describeCobwebs dress the pews

The altar holds the dust of time

The cross of an unknown faith,

adorned in filth and grime

Into a vestry room are shelves

of mildewed, rotting books

Black, forbidden volumes

of legend or unknownStrange as any imagining,

as if my weird tales came to life

Strange feelings, eyes upon me,

a malignant presence I can't describeThis place was once the seat

of evil older than mankind

The manuscripts they prove it

The local rumors had not liedCharacters and symbols

on the printed page

Occult, and long forgotten

from the darkest age

I see the Book of Dzyan,

the Necronomicon

Books of blackest magic,

darkest echelonWithin a ruined desk,

I find a small black book

A record book of entries

in ancient cryptograph

I recognize the symbols

from days of study past

The small book I take with me

The code I must unmaskAm I the one to conquer

the town's pervasive fear

that left the church deserted

for over sixty years?

Am I the only one

to tread these hallowed halls

since the start of rumor

and dark cultists' fall?Chapter III: The AscentThrough the dust and silken webs

I trudge on, I will not be deterred,

to the front entrance

A door reveals stairs

It begins with just one step

and leads to my ascentSpiral motion, pull me up

Anticipation, push me onUpward still proceeding,

in winding, twisting steps

The windows show a city

in miniature

Church tower lies above

I await with bated breath

It all seems so unrealSpiral motion, pull me up

Anticipation, push me onJust a few more steps,

to end this epic quest,

Just a few more steps

Just a few more stepsChapter IV: The Shining TrapezohedronAt last I reach the summit,

The tower has no chime

I see a stone pillar center lined

A strange box atop,

from outside time and space

Within a shining crystal, black as hateEntranced as if by magic,

Shining crystal holds my gaze

I see worlds of great stone towers

Alien terrainAround the pillar a rough circle,

Seven gothic chairs

and cryptic carvings alien

Hieroglyphs of unknown origin

The peculiar rock

the power to transcendTitan mountains, worlds of wonder,

clouded by a haze

Stirring in vague blackness,

struggling hard to look awayChapter V: SpectresMy eyes are pulled away,

a skeleton in tattered suit of grey

A steeple as a tomb

How did he meet this doom?

He wears a reporter's badge

Notebook of black,

clutched in bone white hand

The past his pages illustrate

Mystery of the church's darkest fate

Professor Enoch Bowen buys the church

Back from Egypt, so starts the curse1848, ten have disappeared,

Stories of blood sacrifice

are whispered on the airSpectres from the past reduced to dust and ash

Within the church's walls, unholy rites recalled

Message from the past, the conspiracy is vast

Within the crystal stone, into the great unknownThe priest warns of devil worship

and a box from Egypt's ruins

It calls something from the darkness

and is banished by the lightSome claim the crystal shows them heaven

and The Haunter of the Dark tells secrets in some way

They call the Haunter forth from void of blackness

Only light can send it back from whence it came1857, they call it up by crystal gaze,

The cult of Starry Wisdom

growing day by daySome claim the crystal shows them heaven

and The Haunter of the Dark tells secrets in some way

They call the Haunter forth from void of blackness

Only light can send it back from whence it cameSpectres from the past reduced to dust and ash

Within the church's walls, unholy rites recalled

Message from the past, the conspiracy is vast

Within the crystal stone, into the great unknownToo many years of mystery disappearance

Opinion of the public finally sways

The time is right for justice, retribution

All that's left are ghosts from those dark daysThe crystal pulls me in again,

entranced by far off worlds

Panic breaks the spell

Strange connection,

somehow our beings are entwined

I feel it there behind me,

The Haunter of the DarkI slam the lid down on the shining crystal stone

I hear movement from above, I know I'm not alone

A monster in the steeple, I fear for my life

I run from the church and into the night

Back to the sane central streets of my home

Away from this nightmare, nevermore to Federal Hill

Enjoy the lyrics !!!