
The Evil Prince

Frank zappa (lead guitar)

Ike willis (guitar, vocals)

Ray white (guitar, lead vocals)

Bobby martin (keyboards, saxophone, vocals)

Alan zavod (keyboards)

Scott thunes (bass)

Chad wackerman (drums)Well well well, now, dis de nasty sucker dat be respondable fo de enwhiffment o de origumal potium. now in his infinate respondable party personage as de evil prince and through de magik o stage

T of course, wes about to see what gwine on in his magikal conjurance up of his little cauldrom of doom! now check it on out nowSomewhere, over there, I can tell,

I guess so

Theres the voice of

A potato-headed whatchamacallit

Whoo, do tell!

Who does not wish me well!

His clothes are quite stupid,

And also his shoes!

Ain't no bussiness like show business

He's got a big ol duck-mouth!

Who knows how he chews!He thinks he knows something

About the great plan!

How ultimate blandness

Must rule and commandHe knows not a drop,

Not a crumb,

Not a whit,

Of the reason for doing

This criminal shit

And then, if he did,

Would it matter a bit?

Not at all!

Because it is writ:Our beige-blandish god

Tends to certify it:Only the boring and bland shall survive!

Only the lamest of lameness will thrive!

Take it or leave it, you wont be alive,

If you are overtly creative!Fairies and faggots and queers are


All the best music on broadway is

NativeWho will step forward

And end all this trouble?

For beige-blandish citizens,

Clutching the rubble

Of vanishing dreams

Of wimpish amusement,

Replaced by a rash

Of creative confusement!Soon, my brave zombies,

Youll make your return!

Broadway will glow!

Broadway will burn!

(along with the remnants of

Everything new)

My holy disease will do

Wonders for you!

Those lovely producers

Who paid for you then

Will do it again, and again, and again!The spying potato

The spying potato

With horrible diction

And terrible diction

Will rot in the garbage

I can smell it right now

When this shows eviction

Takes place shortly after

My alternate skill

Of theatrical sabotage

Triumphs your will!I've a special review

Yes I know you really do!

I've been saving for years

Yes I know you really have

For a show just like this,

For a really stupid show

With potatoes and queersI'll say it's disgusting, atrocious, and dull

I'll say it makes boils inside of your skull

I'll say it's the worst -of-the-worst of the year,

No wind down the plain, and it's hard on your ear

I'll say it's the work of an infantile mind

I'll say that it's tasteless, and that you will find

A better excuse to spend money or time

At a tupper-ware party, wee-oo

So, do be a smarty!


Hold on to that dollar

A little while longer

For spending it here,

Why, it couldnt be wronger!Whats happened to broadway?

Wheres it gone, all the glitter?

The heart and soul

The patter?

The pitter?And after this deadly review hits the paper,

In will come roper, bender & raper,

To legally execute all that remains

Of this tragic amusement for drug-addled brains

Drug-addled brains, drug addled brains(solo)Hold on to that g-string

A little while longer

For spending it here,

Why, it couldnt be wronger!Whats happened to broadway?

Wheres it gone, all the glitter?

The heart and soul

The patter?

The pitter?And after this deadly review hits the paper,

In will come roper, bender & raper,

To legally execute all that remains

Of this tragic amusement for drug-addled brains

Hey hey, hey hey, hey hey, brai-hains . . .

Enjoy the lyrics !!!