
The Mercy Seat

It all began when

They took me from my home

And put me on death row

A crime for which I am totally innocent, you knowI began to warm and chill

To objects and their fields

A ragged cup, a twisted mop

The face of Jesus in my soupThose sinister dinner deals

The meal trolley's wicked wheels

A hooked bone rising from my food

And all things either good or un-goodAnd the mercy seat is waitin'

And I think my head is burnin'

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this weighing of the truth

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

And anyway I told the truth and I'm not afraid to dieI hear stories from the chamber

Christ was born into a manger

And like some ragged stranger

He died upon the crossMight I say, it seems

So fitting in its way

He was a carpenter by trade

Or at least that's what I'm toldMy kill-hand's tattooed 'E.V.I.L.'

Across it's brother's fist

That filthy five, they did nothing

To challenge or resistIn Heaven, His throne is made of gold

The ark of His Testament is stowed

A throne from which I'm told

All history does unfoldIt's made of wood and wire

And my body is on fire

And God is never far awayInto the mercy seat I climb

My head is shaved, my head is wired

And like a moth that tries to enter the bright eye

I go shuffling out of life

Just to hide in death awhile

And anyway I never liedAnd the mercy seat is waitin'

And I think my head is burnin'

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this weighing of the truth

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and anyway

I told the truth and I'm not afraid to dieAnd the mercy seat is burnin'

And I think my head is glowin'

And in a way I'm hoping

To be done with all this twisting of the truth

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

And anyway there was no proof and I'm not afraid to dieAnd the mercy seat is glowin'

And I think my head is smokin'

And in a way I'm hoping to be done

With all these looks of disbelief

A life for a life and a truth for a truth

And I've got nothing left to lose

And I'm not afraid to dieAnd the mercy seat is smokin'

And I think my head is meltin'

And in a way that's helping

To be done with all this twisting of the truth

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

And anyway I told the truth but I'm afraid I told a lie

Enjoy the lyrics !!!