
The Perfect Young Man (feat. John Wetton)

He's just the Perfect Young Man,

He's so well-to-do

From a good family too

You'll see

A Perfect Young Man

Never lost for words

And I'm looking forward towards

The day when he makes a bride out of me

I just don't know what he can seeThe Perfect Young Man

Always so at ease

And everyone agrees

He's the perfect young man

He's an entrepreneur

What might the future hold in store,

For a man such as he, and his bride to be?

I just don't know what he can seeI came here all alone, to a city so exciting

A city vast and frightening, not yet home

Imagine my surprise, when he chose me out of millions

And told me he would be my everythingThe Perfect Young Man

A doctor no less

And having such success

This Perfect Young Man

With the cast of a glance

Fills me with such romance

He says that he is so happy with me,

I still don't know what he can seeShe came here alone and nobody knows she's here

She's so young, innocent, perfect every way

If I stick to plans no one will think twice

No one will bat an eye on the day she's gone

Ready the vault and make sure I'm prepared

For the time when I can resist no more

I've even found ways to make it worth my while

Nobody knows that I'm such a hideous young manI think the time has arrived to resume my trade

Controlling circumstances that I made

I've grown tired of keeping things as they are

She still doesn't know that I'm such a hideous young manHe gave me this ring

The biggest I have seen

This Perfect Young Man

Now he's mine forever

But somehow I'm not sure

There seem to be

Things he won't share with me

I just don't know what they can beThere seems to be another side to him

Rumors swirling 'round that he's not what he seems

I know it may seem silly of me

When I should be as happy as can be

But when I get this feeling then it's clear that I just don't know him at allIt seems there's always something on his mind

Something swirling 'round that simply shouldn't be

And then there was that girl who disappeared

Her parents have been asking for a year

But then at last I catch myself I know he wouldn't do these things at all

At allHe asks if I will go with him downstairs

He says that he could use some help down there

He leads me to the vault and then he's gone and I can see nothing at all

At allI pound and kick and scream with all my might

Trapped in this chamber, dark as any night

And after many hours I accept he isn't coming back at allIt's getting very hard to breathe in here

Nothing left to do but let things fade to black

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!